Press days… the days when all the bloggers and influencers pick up their loads of novelties and take in all the innovations and launches. Freixenet couldn’t miss that with its Label Maker project! So, in collaboration with Global Image and Keep It Quiet, Freixenet was present at the Press Days. Each visitor was welcomed with a refreshing glass of Freixenet Cordon Negro, was allowed to choose his own standard label and on top of that, took home a bottle! Uhm, you won’t say no to that!
#KeepItQuiet #WorkingBehindBrands #Freixenet #PressDays
Keep It Quiet is an agency where creativity and effectiveness come together. By having a highly interactive, open way of working we have a fast-moving, fast-working, and collaborative culture.
Keep It Quiet don’t just settle for organizing thrilling events, brand experiences and logistics, we create experiences that connect people on an intellectual and emotional level.