Welcome in the boundless world of Red Bull. Last weekend guests from all corners of the world where invited to the Red Bull Guesthouse. Their 3 day trip the filled with fun surprises and experiencers. From a blanc paper to the execution of all the ideas Keep It Quiet took care of the entire concept and production. Resulting in an unforgettable memorie for those who attended
#KeepItQuiet #WorkingBehindBrands #RedBull #Guesthouse #Tomorrowland #Creativity #Production #CuberdonShower
Keep It Quiet is an agency where creativity and effectiveness come together. By having a highly interactive, open way of working we have a fast-moving, fast-working, and collaborative culture.
Keep It Quiet don’t just settle for organizing thrilling events, brand experiences and logistics, we create experiences that connect people on an intellectual and emotional level.