The sales and marketing departments of VIACOM Belgium and the Netherlands came together at an unique location for a BRAND DAY.The day started with lunch served from different food trucks, each of which had provided a tasty original bite.Then it was time for the various presentations in another room.The décor and atmosphere of the room were changed with each presentation.After the presentations, appetisers and drinks were provided for a relaxed finish.The gift pack and shuttle to the car park ensured a successful event and great memories for the visitors.
Keep It Quiet devised the concept, decoration, culinary approach and worked out the entire logistics and production aspect of this event.
#KeepItQuiet #WorkingBehindBrands #Viacom #BrandDay
Keep It Quiet is an agency where creativity and effectiveness come together. By having a highly interactive, open way of working we have a fast-moving, fast-working, and collaborative culture.
Keep It Quiet don’t just settle for organizing thrilling events, brand experiences and logistics, we create experiences that connect people on an intellectual and emotional level.