Chiquita makes you smile! And that was also the intention in the supermarkets. Keep it quiet sent a Chiquita team on the path, completely in outfit ofcourse! The intention? The people make a smile on the face with a nice discount and nice gadgets: Chiquita spatulas and for the kids very funny Minion stickers to decorate their bananas. We were in charge of the team, the development of the stand, all logistics and reporting.
#KeepItQuiet #WorkingBehindBrands #Chiquita #MakeYouSmile
Keep It Quiet is an agency where creativity and effectiveness come together. By having a highly interactive, open way of working we have a fast-moving, fast-working, and collaborative culture.
Keep It Quiet don’t just settle for organizing thrilling events, brand experiences and logistics, we create experiences that connect people on an intellectual and emotional level.