During ‘Weekend Magnifiek’, Sunparks in Mol turns into a fairytale festival meadow. Naturally, Generation MTV was keen to play a part in this.
The Generation MTV contest started on the web. Visitors of gifmemoremtv.be could share their best winter photo and collect likes. The twenty photographers with the most fans were allowed to stay with three friends in a VIP bungalow on the grounds, during Weekend Magnifiek. Of course, the bungalows were extra pimped for the occasion: with bath products, mackintoshes, a stocked fridge, free festival vouchers, wood for the fireplace, …
#KeepItQuiet #WorkingBehindBrands #MTV #Incentive #Magnifiek
Keep It Quiet is an agency where creativity and effectiveness come together. By having a highly interactive, open way of working we have a fast-moving, fast-working, and collaborative culture.
Keep It Quiet don’t just settle for organizing thrilling events, brand experiences and logistics, we create experiences that connect people on an intellectual and emotional level.